Revive Cold Opportunities in your CRM Using Developer Activity Signals

Track cold SQLs by mapping custom CRM Account & Deal/Opportunity stages in Reo.Dev and monitor developer activity.
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In this Playbook, you’ll track previously engaged SQL accounts that have gone cold by leveraging custom CRM Account and Deal/Opportunity stages integrated into Reo.Dev. By mapping developer activity signals from docs, product interactions, and code activities, you’ll gain real-time insights into renewed engagement.

This approach allows you to set up alerts for timely notifications, identify potential decision-makers, and re-engage high-priority accounts with precise and contextual outreach.

Create Segment

Segment cold SQLs based on your CRM’s deal or account stages and track their latest developer activity. Apply filters for documentation views, website visits, code interactions, and activity surges to identify re-engagement opportunities.


Segment Criteria

  • Segment: Advanced
  • Segment Type: Account
  • Segment Filters:
    1. First Filter Group: Under Activity Type → Docs – Includes any - Select ‘Docs Review’ & ‘Copied Content’ OR Under Activity Type → Website – Includes any - Select ‘Docs Review’ & ‘Copied Content’ OR Under Activity Type → Product - Included Any - Select 'Screen Visited', 'Copied Content' & 'Product Login' OR Under Activity Type → Code Interactions – Includes any - Select ‘CLI Installation Initiated’ & ‘CLI Command Executed’ OR Under Intel → Select ‘Has Activity Surge’ Includes any - Select ‘YES’.
    2. Second Filter Group: Under Source → CRM Account Stage or CRM Deal Stage - Includes any - ‘Select Your Custom Stages that Represent SQL Leads that went Cold’.
    3. Third Filter Group: Under Others → Last Activity Date is set to ‘Last 30 Days’.
    4. Use the "AND" operator at the filter group level to include accounts that meet all the specified filter groups criteria, providing an accurate selection of results.

Tip: If your segment seems too narrow or broad, adjust the activity date range filter to get your desired pool of accounts.

SQL Cold Main Segment Criteria
Replicate in Segments


Plays are step-by-step guides designed to help you effectively use Reo.Dev & implement workflows for engagement.

Play 1: Set Up Slack Alerts for Cold SQL Accounts Showing New Activity

This play helps you stay on top of previously engaged SQLs that have gone cold by setting up real-time Slack alerts for the created segment. By tracking new developer activity in your CRM-defined cold accounts, you can quickly identify renewed interest and engage at the right time.


Steps to Set Up Slack Alerts for Ongoing Monitoring:

  1. Navigate to Your Segment:
    • Go to the Segments section in Reo.Dev.
    • Find the SQL Cold Accounts segment you created.
  2. Enable Alerts:
    • Click on the Get Alerts button next to your segment.
Setup Slack Alert Notifications for Segments in Reo Dev

This ensures that no warm account slips through the cracks, allowing you to engage the right accounts at the right time.


Play 2: Reconnect with Decision-Makers to Revive Cold Accounts

For accounts that went cold but are now showing new developer activity, the next step is to identify and engage decision-makers. Since these accounts were previously in your pipeline, it's likely that relevant buyer contacts already exist in your CRM. Start by importing these known buyers to ensure outreach continuity. If additional contacts are needed, use Reo DB to discover new buyers based on AI-powered role classification.

How Buyers Are Defined in Reo.Dev: We use generative AI to classify job titles by seniority. Anyone identified as "Director" or higher is categorized as a Buyer.

Option 1: Import Buyers from CRM (Recommended)

  1. Navigate to the Account View of the cold account that has been recently revived.
  2. Go to the Prospects tab and click Find More Buyers.
  3. Select Import from CRM to pull in known decision-makers.
  4. Choose relevant buyers and Add to Buyers.
  5. Use this list for re-engagement campaigns or personal outreach based on recent account activity.
Import From CRM Find Buyers Product Screenshot

Option 2: Find New Buyers with Reo DB (Optional)

  1. In the Find More Buyers panel, switch to the Reo DB tab.
  2. Apply filters like Location, Seniority, and Persona.
  3. Let Reo DB generate AI-recommended buyers.
  4. Select the relevant profiles and Add to Buyers.
  5. Use this list for re-engagement campaigns or personal outreach based on recent account activity.


Reo DB Find Buyers Product Screenshot

This ensures you’re reaching the right people at the right time for a higher chance of deal revival.



In this playbook, you learned how to track previously engaged SQLs that have gone cold by mapping custom CRM stages in Reo.Dev and monitoring developer activity signals. By setting up alerts, you can proactively detect renewed interest and re-engage deals at the right time. Additionally, we covered how to identify and add buyers from your CRM or Reo DB to ensure you’re reaching the right decision-makers. This approach helps you prioritize high-potential accounts and re-engage them with relevant outreach based on real-time developer activity.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to or connect with your Customer Success Representative.

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